Monday, April 30, 2012

Media Files and Mausoleum Keys

      I've been so immersed in genealogy these past few weeks (Fairfax Genealogy Spring Conference, National Archives Annual Genealogy Fair, Fairfax Library seminar on cemetery visits for genealogists) that all my dreams are genealogy related. Maybe I'm going overboard.  Nonetheless, up at 6 a.m. this morning with a plan to get back to re-organizing the Family Tree Maker media files. By default, Family Tree Maker puts all the media items in one folder with no sub-folders.  It doesn't take long before the folder feels like your dreaded 'junk drawer' 10 times over.  I like the suggestions from Lisa Louise Cooke ('Genealogy Gems)' to create a folder system outside of Family Tree Maker, organizing by surname and keeping photos separate from other family documents, letters and records.  She has a podcast on YouTube describing her methodology (
.  These files can be located on an external drive for a backup and then copied into the Family Tree Maker for the software use, thus killing 2 birds with one stone - creating a backup as well as a rationally organized media repository for yourself.
      But that task quickly led me to scanning a few of the documents relating to the Bayside cemetery, and we believe, final resting place of several of the Sachs/Saxe/Zweighaft ancestors.  Sadly, we recently learned that Bayside is in a state of total disrepair. (,  But that is another blog post.
       I have much to learn yet regarding pdf vs. jpg, resolution, file organization, etc. so it's been very slow going.  One quickly sees how one's stash of photos, letters, documents, census images, etc. explodes, so I feel it's important for me to take a breather and figure out how best to organize what I already have (1057 names in the ZWEI2010 tree and hundreds of photos and docs scanned or images saved, but thousands to go).           

Here is a photo, taken this morning with my iPhone 4S, of the mausoleum keys to the Sachs Zweighaft mausoleum  at Bayside cemetery.  

And, yes, yes, Henry, I know that this picture is upside down.  Don't ask me how that happened.  And, after 5 hours of fiddling with this stuff this a.m., I'm too frustrated to figure out how to right it on blogger.  It's rightside up in the photo I sent to myself and saved in my newly organized photos under Genealogy, Photos, Saxe, Theresa.  (and now that I write that down, perhaps I need to make a copy of the photo under Zweighaft too, seeing the Zweighaft key.  Ah, but which Zweighaft is that key for?  Bernard (d. 1907) or Blanche Saxe Zweighaft (d. 1932) or Simon (d. 1912) or Sophia Hirshberg Zweighaft (1908)?  Some or all?  More work.)
     Another note in Aunt Belle's handwriting in the 'mausoleum keys' envelope references Hungarian cemetery, so there may be a second cemetery to research.  I suspect it is the one below as the top of the note says 'Cypress Ave', although the next line is Brooklyn 27, NY.   If  I could  figure out how to attach a PDF file to a blog, I'd show you that too.

Hungarian Union Field (HU)
82-99 Cypress Avenue and Cypress Hills Street
Glendale, NY 11385
You can search the burial database for this cemetery by using the Mt. Carmel Cemetery database at . Mt. Carmel is supervising this nearby cemetery which is its Section 4.

Well, at least I accomplished 2 things in this morning's work:  learning how to spell mausoleum and learning how to spell cemetery.  

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